Hello September! Cultivating Hope & Gentleness: This Too Shall Pass

September is at our doorstep and as I prepare to enter, there is much to appreciate and there is struggle also present. As I settle into accepting a continuation of the pandemic, and with it, fear, grief, and disconnection, I have been noticing a desire for things to be different and my resistance to ways I’ve been feeling (or not feeling).

What are you noticing? If you have been low on fuel and depleted like me- it is okay. If you are not sure what you’re feeling- it is okay. If you are feeling joy- it is okay.

Let’s pause: Notice what you have been feeling (or not feeling) without needing to do anything to change it.

There’s a lot we are carrying. We are navigating self, personal, and interpersonal relationships; decisions at work and burnout; integrating learning and rest; sickness, births, and deaths. We are responding to/realigning our timelines, expectations, and planned futures as the pandemic continues. We are finding resource(s) where we can and simultaneously may diverge in beliefs and perspectives with those we most love in our family/friend groups (even more complexity to hold). All this on top of the inherited historical grief, trauma, oppression, and resilience, examined and/or unexamined, which is shaping how we live in relation to each other and the earth.

Another pause: That’s a lot! Offer yourself a small moment to appreciate… yourself (and give yourself a gentle hug, or a self-talk reminder of all you do every day towards your commitments).

When I find myself adrift from my north star, I remind myself- it is okay. As we sit with what we have and haven’t addressed collectively, it may not answer the questions lingering in our hearts, though it can provide some context. This month, we will move towards the fall equinox/first day of Autumn (September 22) in the northern hemisphere. As we do, may we invite in opportunities to reconnect with our north star/purpose/values.

Keep up the work you’re doing to support the well-being of yourself and others.

May we be gentle,


Reflection Questions To Invite Ease & Hope

Acknowledging — What do I need right now? What’s in/out of my control?

Blending — What is it to be responsive to the needs of others as I am figuring out how my own needs can be met? Where do I notice my boundaries?

Cultivating — What is it I want to create more of day-to-day? Where do I want to start

Grieving — How do I hold grief and engage in grieving processes? In what ways can I carve out more curiosity towards this process?

Imagining — What is the world I dream of/want to create? Even if I feel far from it today.

Releasing — Is there something I’ve been holding onto which I may be ready to release?

Savoring — Is there a milestone I’ve reached small or big to celebrate/savor?

Supporting — What has been supportive (internally or externally)? How can I welcome more?

Sarah Rimmel