Say yes to your needs, HEALING, and WHOLENESS
“Knowledge is only rumor until it lives in the bones. ”
Hand-On-Heart Somatic Practice
Who do I work with? People interested in collective visions of vibrant, healing & liberated communities who want to embody the concepts they dream of and build their capacity. People interested in connecting more deeply with your body (mind & spirit), sensations, needs, and developing regular practices to come back to what you want to cultivate. This includes executive leaders, human resources professionals, managers, staff, people in technical roles, therapists, and all the roles and functions we play in-between.
What is the somatic approach? Along with the thinking, pragmatic, and accountability components of traditional coaching, a somatic approach engages the body along the way. In our work, you’ll be supported to raise awareness of the connections between your body and your mind, and what matters to you and what you’re doing on a daily basis to embody those ideas/principles. I will partner with you to explore common workplace challenges in communication, trust-building, boundaries, advocacy of self/others, and well-being through a body-centered, culturally grounded, and trauma-informed approach to your own healing and leadership.
What will we do? Sessions are approximately 50 minutes taking place virtually or in-person. Sessions include goal setting, accountability, and engaging in body-based practices to build self-awareness (i.e., centering, body-scan, making requests/declines, hand-on-chest). Through a blend of embodiment, intercultural awareness, transformative learning, and social justice principles, I partner with people to encourage living and leading with our full selves, including parts of ourselves we’ve been taught to silence, hide, and override.
Still not sure? One of my favorite moments is when I get to partner with people in the somatic coaching process. Somatic coaching is so nourishing. We live in a world that insists on separating our minds, bodies and spirits, and overriding our needs for safety. This coaching container lets you lean in softly to the areas you wish for transformation, connect with the ways you hold with stress and tension, validate your experiences, become more of your own compass, and support you in being accountable to your goals and longings. In our time together, you’ll develop a habit of centering yourself, and have these beautiful little moments where you get to feel yourself more — your heart, your gut, tension, grief, anger, longings, and more.
What’s next?
Review my coaching handout. Schedule an intake/initial consultatation using the link above or by emailing
Here’s a sample letter you can use to request your organization to cover this through professional developing funding.
How does personal coaching fit in with collective change you may be seeking? Lets go back to that airplane analogy: we need to put our mask on first. I don’t know about you, but the collective vision I have is one of embodied people who love, fight, and support each other — with a dignity for each other, an awareness of our limits and capacity, and a reverance and commitment to healing our historical, and on-going woundings. Here’s my new “Theory of Change” visual that includes both individual and collective efforts for embodied capacity building.
First though, if you want to support the bigger change: how are you supporting this within yourself? We can’t skip over ourselves; otherwise, we may not get the results we truly long for. Below are a few statements. If you agree with them, you’re in luck that you may enjoy somatic coaching! And, I’m happy to brainstorm and share other resources in the community (there are lots of ways to deepen our capacity to feel self, each other, environment, and life within/around us.).
Do I believe there is a disconnect between minds-bodies-and spirits? YES/NO/MAYBE
Do I know I can learn more about my nervous system, how to feel more of my emotions, and how it is I regulate myself when I need it? YES/NO/MAYBE
Can I use support to be accountable to support my work-life balance, boundaries with others, and commitments to myself? YES/NO/MAYBE
“Coaching is a process of partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires people to maximize their personal/professional potential.”
“I wanted support to heal trauma and navigate experiences of micro-aggressions in the workplace. These problems wiped me out, I focused a lot on them and was not able to focus on my work, it was difficult to turn off my “work” brain. During coaching, we centered our time around healing practices and allowing space between trauma and healing. My time spent with Sarah is still one that I carry with me even after my transition from my current workspace. I appreciate your heart and soul Sarah.”