How do you practice honoring yourself so firmly…

How do you practice honoring yourself so firmly that…

  • people don’t get to take advantage of you (where you can help it given systemic barriers) ?

  • you don’t get to tell yourself lies and minimize you and your accomplishments?

  • you are learning what your boundaries are and how to hold them?

  • you are powerfully serving you and others by speaking and holding your truth in the presence of fear and wanting others to like you

  • you notice more and more ways of tiptoeing around aspects of life and interrupting nagging and disempowering thoughts?

  • you are learning to love yourself and who you’re becoming even when others might not get it and/or it’s not being recognized in your work

How we show up for ourselves and others is impacted by so much:

  • ways we were socialized,

  • permission we received/didn’t receive to be in all of our masculine and feminine energies,

  • our gender identity, racial identity, sexual orientation, personalities,

  • our attachment patterns and ways we are met and not met,

  • ways we may have been raised in homes/communities facing violence, addiction, alcoholism, mental health, food and housing insecurity,

  • the extent to which we have found and cultivated safe and loving relationships where we get to practice our softness + our boldness,

  • our relationship to healing + loving + forgiving + acknowledging + being soft with ourselves so fully throughout all the noise from media, government officials, organizational culture, inner critical dialogues, aspects we want to change for ourselves, and lack of access to resources.

I don’t have the answers - I’m in the journey too. Practicing. Noticing. Feeling disempowered. Talking to folks who remind me. To practice again.

But if you want to explore it together, I am a badass coach committed to:

Discovering what healing and wholeness

can be within the DEI profession.

To not letting burnout just happen,

like it’s happened to me, and countless others.

who I am

I am soft and sweet and that is what you’ll often experience with me. It’s who I am, but not all.

I am direct and a stand for my power, and this is something I get to practice embodying more.

My boldness, fight, rawness, anger, and a deep insistence on my life and your life.

Power for our lives and our communities.



Please schedule a consultation. Coaching, team coaching, and trainings in conjunction with coaching and team coaching are an amazing way to support you and your team.  #teamcoaching #executivecoaching #diversityequityinclusion #somatics #healing #workplaceculture #organizationalculture #womensherstorymonth

Sarah Rimmel