Completion - Ready or not, here I am.

Note to reader: Hey you! Yes, you. Hello. We are indeed coming to an end of a year. A reminder to be gentle whenever you can (and remember) this month. May we allow for whatever is coming up to just be there without needing to change it. XO.

Suggestion: Whenever you may have space, whether it is now, over break or the last week of December, carve out a little space to read and self-reflect on these prompt and take them in.

Grab your notebook, a cozy spot and a warm beverage,

How do you finish things and relate to completion? Do you welcome it? Is it challenging? Did you meet all your organizational goals? Breathe. Did you create the diversity and inclusion strategy like you hoped? It’s okay. Are you uncertain how to spend your time/holidays? Inhale/Exhale.

Affirmation: I am complete with what is complete and what is incomplete.

How does this land? Where does it feel true? Not graspable? Just notice. 

There is much in completion, just as there is much in how we begin, increase, shift, and move through something.

At points, we may come closer and further from ourselves, our intentions, and our boundaries. At various times, we may feel anxiety, ease, comfort, and energy rising, flowing, and fading.

As you seek to remain steady on your path, there’s much left unfinished, now, and always.

Again, how does this land? how does this feel? pause with it.

For now, let's set that aside, and focus on what we have completed. 

Something YOU can be proud of. Shh…You don’t have to tell another soul.

Let’s savor it and celebrate that something, about your path, your experiences, a memory or interaction. For a moment.

savor: to sit with… expand… a little wider/deeper..…


To allow yourself to feel into your completion.

To honor, what’s been done and leave what's unfinished - unfinished. .

Pause. Choose to enter into a new year, a new phase, a new pacing, and rhythm.

Affirm: To be complete with what is complete and what is incomplete

And so it will begin. Anew.

Sarah Rimmel