somatics can support us to align our values, doing, and being

Notice your breathing. Allow a 5-pause to take this in.

There’s a lot out of our control. How people respond to us and act, whats happening in our environment, and world. I know for me, it is painful when it feels like someone doesn’t understand me or an opportunity is closed that I wanted. This has softened though with time and wisdom, and I “remain in my seat“ more, in my body, and in my experience and truth as I know it. You can too.

What is in our control is our thoughts, actions, and intentions; focusing on what we can do, and how we are being. May we bring gentleness to the many efforts we take each and every day to align our values, doing, and being. May we seek out resources, friendships, professionals, and groups that validate the moments we overstep our boundaries, support us to settle and ground, and presence us to who we’re committed to being as distinct from internal disempowering dialogues arising from our woundings.

Spring is coming. It’s felt wonky – the world, the weather. Birds coming out sooner, not migrating as they typically do, plants blooming in winter.

How will you mark the dark days we’ve been in? Do you allow for darkness and confusion to be something we may come back to and move through once winter is over?

Spring is coming. A time for new ideas, relationships, and ways of being, to bloom. What is import to you, your family, your workplace?

There are many things important to each of us —What is asking for your attention? To what extent are you closing in on yourself around the horrors happening to the Palestinian and Gazan people? If you are holding tightly, how do you soften?

Spring is coming. Do you know that the body is aware of a billion times more information than the conscious mind (Source-Philip Shepherd)? I am learning that the more we can turn towards our bodies, our somas, and follow the impulses asking for our attention, there is something available.

May we remember. May we listen. May we intentionally connect.

In care,


Community Resources

  • More on “being” vs doing. Click here.

  • (Denver) MARCH 8 - International Women’s Day and ‘Israeli’ Apartheid Week Performance Art Action Incite! Palestine Force Denver Hub/Shoes Off Collective invites comrades to join us in a public performance art action to popularize BIPOC feminist intersectional analysis of imperialism, militarism, zionism, and gender-based violence in this moment within our existing movements. We are also joining the campaign to mark ‘israeli’ apartheid week to step up our actions and commitment to escalating the boycott, divestment, and sanctions campaigns. We are building from the radical feminist tradition of Las Tesis in Chile that began this powerful performance art piece in 2019. We have adapted the lyrics to include a verse about Palestine and a verse highlighting the intersections of our struggles and denouncing patriarchy, imperialism, and state violence. WHEN + WHERE-  Friday, March 8, 2024 | 5:30-7:30pm | Colorado State Capitol (west steps). More details and free art to download.

  • Listen to Boulder City Councilmember Taishya Adams speak up about Black-Palestinian solidarity. Take a listen.

  • 6 Pillars of Brave Space here and more here.

  • Colorado DEI Report - Did you read it yet? You can access the link here along with Q&A. Afterwards, please take a few minutes to share your ideas and feedback to grow our growing DEI ecosystem and sign up to help us move this effort forward. 

Sarah Rimmel