Staying Centered & Dreaming in a VUCA World - Part 1 of 3

*VUCA – volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity

I connected with Erin-Kate Escobar, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Consultant, recently about a somatic practice group starting next week and they shared: “This intentional somatics work is SUCH an important space- but of course one of the challenges of these spaces is finding people who can say yes --- because we are often over committed.” 

It is a rough world we're living in and takes a lot of self and community work to come back to hope and a sense of center through it all. You may be overcommitted. You may be worried about the world, your job, your health. You may find it super hard to pause and focus on ways to resource yourself. You may be experiencing deep grief and anger at the violence unfolding in Gaza. 

This somatic practice group is an invitation to be aware of the space between what we long for and our current experience. To learn how to remember or know how to move towards that. Somatic practice is about holding both our dreams of a different world, where we are surrounded by love and care, and acknowledging when we've had experiences other than this. Patterns we continue to create and ways we forget how to be in that new world now. 

Join a practice group where we build our capacity. You can read more here, and reach out to me here. Registration closes Monday, October 22nd, and please reach out if you’d like to enroll after this date. If pricing is a barrier, you can let me know what you are able to contribute. 

Whatever we can do to carve out these moments for ourselves is gold. Rather than operating out of any number of default patterns we have learned from life/workplace culture around us (i.e.,  stress, defensiveness, overriding our needs, saying yes to everything, or fear), the benefit is that when we return to our day, goals, tasks, and projects, we might be a little more resourced and able to stay grounded in what we’re committed to. 

I send care, today and the rest of our days, as this is the forever kind of self + collective work, for ourselves, for others. I stand in solidarity with Palestine and antisemitism and want us to be as resourced as possible to speak up about the mass atrocities in Gaza right now.  


Sarah Rimmel