Ways we compare and the harm it does

I’m curious.

Do you notice how often you find yourself comparing yourself with others or another version of yourself? 

The one that is more skilled, easeful, and articulate? 

When we are comparing, we might feel poorly about ourselves and frustrated.

Ways we compare might happen so quick or frequently that untangling when it is and isn’t happening will take some noticing. That’s okay as we are in inquiry here.

I invite us to start noticing this pattern (of comparing).

To practice pausing and interrupting this pattern when we are able.

When we’re not comparing, what else might be in this space for you?

What is resourceful here?

Without comparing, what do you imagine you might feel?

When I compare less, it feels easier to savor, love, and be present to my gifts and those of others.

The chatter of comparing may not go away.

Even if you can connect to something else for a moment, that’s something! 

Takeaway: Find ways to begin to notice when you are comparing. Build mechanisms to notice and interrupt these patterns. Get into conversation with a trusted friend, colleague, or coach, to support shifting this dynamic.

In care, Sarah

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Keep up the work you’re doing to support the well-being of yourself and others. 

Sarah Rimmel